
Showing posts from June, 2018
Slice of Life-Kim Summer is a time for relaxation and rejuvenation.  A chance for life to slow down a bit, a time to stop and smell the literal roses.  For me, it is a time of reflection.  Reflecting on my teaching practices and a time to learn about how to be better.  Not just a better teacher, but a better me.  My schedule is currently filled with classes and papers.  Learning about writing, how to teach it better and how to begin to be a writer myself.  Through the business of it all, I realize this is how I stop to smell the roses.  I have set aside my time at the beach and I am looking forward to my feet in the sand.  But my learning refreshes me and prepares me to be a better me.  The rose smells sweet.
Welcome to our blog! Our names are Rachel and Kim and we are teachers at CT Elementary School.  Rachel is a fifth grade teacher, and I am a second grade teacher.  Please follow us as we blog about the happenings in our classrooms and about the life of being teachers.